Ultra music festival
Сейчас я расскажу про один из многих музыкальных фестивалей в США.
Это “Ultra Music Festival”!!!. Проходящий в майями штат флорида США. “Ultra Music Festival”-это место где лучшие диджеи мира играют электронную музыку. Основанный в двухтысячных годах фестиваль сразу же получил любовь зрителей и огромный успех.И на следуюший год, из-за огромного количества желающих , его провели уже в другом месте ,в большом парке в центре города. Этот трехдневный рай для любителей электроной музыки начинается конечно же с покупки и проверки билетов. И когда входишь на территориию Bicentennial Park(где проходит “Ультра”) ты видишь множество людей с специально приготовленными костюмами и макияжами. На территории парка одна главная и много мелких сцен. Днем еще очень жарко и большинство людей отдыхает в теньке и готовятся к вечеру, когда появятся топы электронно
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Сайт WikiLeaks был открыт 29 декабря 2006 года группой энтузиастов, главным представителем которых впоследствии был назван австралиец Джулиан Ассанж. Он предназначался для публикации различных секретных или закрытых для общего доступа сведений, разоблачающих коррупцию и злоупотребления в государственных организациях и корпорациях. Впервые в общедоступной переписке Ассанж упомянул о проекте Leaks в 1996 году, через три года он приобрел домен leaks.org, однако впоследствии писал, что не нашел ему применения. Проект получил название WikiLeaks, хотя «движок» mediawiki, аналогичный тому, на котором функционирует «Википедия», чтобы облегчить создание новых и редактирование существующих разоблачающих материалов, получил лишь некоторое время спустя после создания, а к 2010 году его пользователи полностью утратили возможность самостоятельно комментировать и редактировать содержимое сайта. Вместо этого был введен специальный меха
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MSI (изначально MicroStarInternational) — тайваньская компания, один из мировых лидеров в сфере компьютерной техники.Компания занимается производством серверов, настольных и серверных материнских плат, видеокарт, ноутбуков, нетбуков, сетевого оборудования и т.п. Сама компания была основана в 1986м году, однако выпускать продукцию под своим именем они начали только в середине 90-х. В 90-х годах, компания специализировалась на производстве материнских плат и была известна только в Азии, однако, в данное время, благодаря своим идеям и надёжности, компания известна на всей планете (естественно за исключением африканских племён, Монголии и т.п.) и входит в тройку входит в тройку крупнейших производителей системных плат (Asus, MSI, Gigabyte). В данный момент, MSI является лучшим производителем ноутбуков. В своих ноутбуках они воплощают лучшие технологии и собственные идеи. Лично мне компания MSI приглянулась после того, как я, в 2010м году, узнал о
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Стремительное развитие экономических отношений, совершенствование инновационных технологий диктует в современных условиях необходимость в возникновении так называемых альтернативных форм трудовых отношений. Одной из них, получающей все большую популярность в Республике Беларусь, является фриланс.
Представляя собой относительно новую для нашей страны форму занятости, фриланс занимает устойчивую позицию в странах Западной Европы и США. Согласно статистическим данным более 10% населения этого региона работают как фрилансеры. А за последние несколько лет, мировые компании увеличили объем аутсорсинга услуг через Интернет на 30%. Рассматриваемый нами тип взаимоотношений с работодателем является общепринятой мировой практикой, и особенно распространен в таких областях деятельности, как компьютерное программирование, журналистика, графический дизайн, консультационная деятельность и другая профессиональная и творческая деятельность. Если говор
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Принципы работы Flash
Мало что пленяет человека, как движение и взаимодействие. Именно это и делает Flash, предоставляя возможность создавать подконтрольные пользователю приложения, которые напрямую от творческого подхода автора к представлению интерактивности.
Возможность создавать кнопки, нажатие которых приводит к выдаче информации и воспроизведению звука или переносящее в другое место фильма проекта. Поэтому презентация в проекте может проходить в предопределённой последовательности или по пути указанному пользователем. Также возможно разработка проекта с какими либо расчетными действиями и обработки какой либо информации с помощью простого, но мощного языка сценариев “Action Script”.
Action Script можно рассматривать как основной язык программирования во Flash.
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Анимации.Flash Macromedia. Создание анимаций.
Что такое Flash?
Flash (от англ. Flash — «вспышка», произносится "флэш")
Flash — это технология веб-мультипликации и создания интерактивного контента компании от Macromedia, получившая широкое распространение. Применяется при создании анимационных заставок, веб-игр, интерактивных элементов сайта и т.п. В принципе, возможно, создать веб-сайт целиком на технологии Flash, но на практике это случается крайне редко. Технология Flash возникла относительно недавно (первая версия была выпущена в 1996 году), но широкое распространение получила лишь в самые последние годы. У нее еще сохраняется мощный потенциал роста.
Flash относится к программам создания двухмерной векторной анимации.
Векторная графика описывает изо
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Currently, national roads in Poland have a total length of about 19,300 km which is about 5 % of all public roads. At the end of 2012 total
length of roads with a higher standard was 2423 km, in these about 1,368
km were motorways and expressways around 1097km, during the construction of new ones is close to 670 km roads, including 270 km of motorways. The present stage of development of the network roads in Poland pays particular attention to the multiuse of assistance from European Union donations, the total amount of spending on new investments (mainly expressways), and to ensure the quality of work already constructed sections. The most significant shortcomings of the current state are mainly roadsmaintenance backlogs and keepi
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The latest round of trade negotiations among WTO members was launched in the end of 2001. It’s two main aims are further reduction of trade barriers and trade rules revision. The fundamental objective of the round is to improve the trading prospects of developing countries. However, lower barriers and common standards would definitely enhance conditions for multilateral deals, the Doha round is dead in all but name.
Since the beginning of ’90 of XX century, there has been a significant increase in number of RTAs. Paul Krugman indicates that the main reason for turning away from cooperation under WTO to regional integration is disappointment from multilateral trading system. With evolution of the system, the number of members in such negotiations increased, which in turn decreased its effectiveness. Moreover sophisticated tools of protectionism meant that negotiations and monitoring compliance of their findings became
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Britain vs Belarus
Великобритания как независимое государство начинает свою историю с 1707 года (акт об унии). Можно конечно рассматривать данное государство еще до унии, что не целесообразно т.к. культура Беларуси непосредственно самой Беларуси (БССР) берет свое начало с 1922 года.И пусть территория Беларуси была долгое время частью других стран и развивалась совместно, соответственно развивалась и культура, но мы все же будем брать в сравнения именно Беларусь с 1922 года и Великобританию с 1707 года.
Великобритания известная своим консерватизмом культуру, оставленную до 1707 года не разрушала, но и особых изменений и нововведений не вносила. Да, конечно были такие яркие моменты как работы Даниэля Дефо (писатель, публицист, «Робинзон Крузо»), Александра Поуп (англ. классицизм, «Илиада» -- «Одиссея»), Д
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Our company offers you regularly receive reasonable predictions on the outcome of sporting eventsleading analysts!
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Ebola virus disease
Key facts
- Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans.
- The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.
- The average EVD case fatality rate is around 50%. Case fatality rates have varied from 25% to 90% in past outbreaks.
- The first EVD outbreaks occurred in remote villages in Central Africa, near tropical rainforests, but the most recent outbreak in west Africa has involved major urban as well as rural areas.
- Community engagement is key to successfully controlling outbreaks. Good outbreak control relies on applying a package of interventions, namely case management, surveillance and contact tracing, a good laboratory service, safe burials a
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william oliver Stone
Уильям Оливер Стоун (William Oliver Stone) родился в Нью-Йорке в семье биржевого брокера 15 сентября 1946 года. Мать Оливера была католичка с французскими корнями, отец – еврей. Мальчика же воспитывали в евангелистическом духе. А вот сам Стоун считает себя буддистом. Оливер рос сначала на Манхэттене, а затем в Коннектикуте. Родители Оливера развелись еще когда он был ребенком, а воспитанием в основном занимался отец, что сказалось на творчестве буду щего режиссера — во многих его картинах фигурируют отношения «отец-сын».
Стоун поступил в престижный Йельский университет, но покинул его после года учебы и отправился обучать студентов в институт в Южном Вьетнаме, где пробыл в общей сложности полгода. Затем он снова вернулся в Йель, потом во второй раз бросил обучение, написал автобиографический роман и опять прибыл во Вьетнам, но на этот ра
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Спартак-это древний гладиатор,я расскажу его судьбу,и вклад его в историю.
Вначале он был обычным римским воином,служащим Глабру, однажды он ослушался его приказу,и он был вынужден бежать
из римских войск.Позже Глабр нашёл его вместе с женой.Их схватили и взяли в рабство.Спартака должны были казнить на
гладиаторских боях,против него поставили четырёх гладиаторов,но он смог их убить.За этим наблюдал управляющий лудосом
гладиаторов «Батиат».Он решил купить этого раба(Спартака).Спартака начали обучать гладиаторским боям,он
сражался для того чтобы ему вернули обратно его жену.Но Батиат знал что от Спартака можно ожидать чего угодно,и по-этому
решил убить её.Позже спартак узнал об этом,и он решил оттомстить за жену.В начале он натсроил всех рабов на побег,во
время показательных боёв на виле Батиата,Спартак вместе с остальными гладиаторами напали на гостей,и убили всех.
Они был
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Личность, про которую я хочу написать, скорее всего, не известна людям не увлекающимися танцами. Его зовут Gibrahimer Beomont, но все танцоры(в основном би-бои) знают его какbboyLilG.
LilG является приверженцем стиля powermove, известный своей красотой и сложностью, именно из-за этого все и любят breakdance.
Родился он в Венесуэле 1990 г. Про его жизнь до танцев известно не много. Танцевать начал он в 2001 году, вдохновлённый местными B-Boys Shadow и Cannon. Позже тот самый b-boyshadow и стал его наставником, который учил его не только технике, но и философии танца.
LilG хотел стать профессиональным танцором, но его семья не одобряла, такой необычной работы. Позже его семья смирилась с этим, видя сколько сил и времени отдавал он своему увлечению. И не зря, на данный момент семья гордиться им за его достижения в брейк дансе.
Lil G считает, все, что он делает, и прошел, как подчеркивается в его карьере, включая обучения, баттлы, он
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Аlex Ferguson – шотландский тренер (в прошлом футболист). Родился 31 декабря 1941 года в Глазго, Шотландия. Является одним из величайших футбольных тренеров в мировом футболе. До нынешнего лета являлся тренером английского клуба Manchester United, в котором проработал чуть более 25 лет. Это является рекордом не только клуба, но и всего английского футбола. За это время он выиграл 38 различных кубков во внутреннем чемпионате и на международной арене. Так же является живой легендой клуба, что подтверждает звание сэра, присвоенноге королевой за заслуги на футбольном поле, а так же статуя находящееся возле стадиона Олд Траффорд (стадион Манчестер Юнайтед ). Вего часть даже названа одна из трибун этого стадиона.
Его карьера начиналась в качестве футболиста. Он дебютировал в 16 лет за любительский клуб «Куинз Парк» в качестве нападающего. Потом Фергюссон
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Rich culture of Belarus – originality, a variety of styles, forms, the directions
The original art culture of Belarus was formed throughout centuries. Original architectural and art schools, unique musical and literary wоrks were created.
All masterpieces which have reached up to nowadays of the Belarusian art are under prоtection of the state. They are stored in cоllections of the largest Belarusian museums, meetings of libraries. The classics of the Belarusian music and dramatic art is shown on a theatrical stages and in concert halls.
Mоdern cultural life of Belarus is dynamic and various. In the country passes a set of art exhibitions, musical, theatrical and cinema festivals.
All this is interesting and available both to Belarusians, and to guests of the country.
The arts of Belarus are various on styles, the directions and genres. The mоst interesting wоrks of the Belarusian painting and sculpture оf variоu
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Belarus and the world culture
Belarus has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the world culture . Our culture has been glorified by writers, artists and poets of all times. For example, Marc Chagall, artist and the worldwide famous representative of Belarusian culture, was born in Vitebsk in 1887. He is recognized as the avant-garde’s art classic. Also our country is the home to Kazimir Malevich – an abstract art’s pioneer . His most famous painting — «Black Square» — is now kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Russia. In addition, the whole world knows names of such great artists as Napoleon Orda and Ivan Khrutsky .
Our writers and poets have made not less contribution to the world art. Today we enjoy the works of great masters such as Yanka Kupala , Yakub Kolas , Vasil Bykov . All very bright and good , that gave rise to the Belarusian land ,
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The relаtiоnship system between all countries that is rеlаted to the society’s management on a large scаle is called world’s political system.
Exists is а cоnsіdеrаbІе list оf the tуpеs of political sуstems: demоcrаtiс, authoritarian and totalitarian. Thе first type ( dеmоcratic political sуstem ) means that political pоwеr is born in the sоciety, common pеоplе аrе the core of it. They elect the gоvernments, etc. Totalitarian politicаl sуstem mеаns that government controls all social life’s aspects (fоr еxаmple, such а pоlitical sуstem wаs in the USSR). In authоritarian sуstеm, the dictator alone governs the country ( Gеrmаnу during Wоrld Wаr II ).
Sо, let’s talk аbout Belarusian political sуstem.
The modern Belarus’ political sуstem has changed sіnсе the Soviet Union has collapsed. Tоday our pоlіtіcal sу
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Along with the popularization of football and of special interest to the games leading football teams , there is a growing interest in and bookmakers and, accordingly , their portals . Many media broadcast the individual categories with coefficients and forecasts for the upcoming football battle , and the stadiums often appear with advertising banners bookmakers .
Many people, especially avid sports betting players are well aware that bookmakers most popular bet is a bet on football. Next in popularity are betting on tennis. It is believed that betting on tennis because of its predictability are more profitable . This is explained by the fact that tennis is missing a draw and main items for bid is to win one of tennis players in the tournament.
If you understand what all the football betting and bookmakers in the population , then the answer would be very simple. One well-known rating agenc
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Before bidding, all you need to carefully analyze and weigh the «pros » and "cons ." Pre-match analyst in betting on football analysis includes the following components: recaps, recent matches , standings , previous guest / home games , motivation, disqualification , integrity meeting , trauma, the match referee , the weather conditions , the status of the tournament circuit and tactics of the game , the probability of match-fixing in football , the financial situation of the club , the history of personal meetings, important events ( birthday coach century club , etc.) , game schedule , team trends .
The key to success in betting on football — a strategy game . If you choose the right strategy games, make competent analysis and selection of games , you can easily beat the bookmakers . Strategy games in betting on football — is a set of rules , mechanisms, algorithms and principles
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The most popular football betting strategy is the outcome . This is a bet to win or draw one of the team. In bookmakers these rates are usually expressed as 1 , 2, or H. Sometimes, when a draw is not possible , such as cup matches appear P1, P2 (win 1 or 2) , but the rates on 1 -X- 2 also remain , meaning most of the time . This is the most popular and simple form of bets . Odds here generally reflect the majority opinion , which basically puts on favorites , so the odds on them too low, and rates at a distance certainly bring losses. Because it is best if you feel strong enough to play against the majority opinion. However, this is not only true for this kind of rates, but also for many others.
By a similar strategy include bets on neproigrysh or absence of a draw in the match, the so-called double outcomes. 1X — the first team to not lose , 2X — will not lose a second , 12 &
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Curious strategy in betting on football is a " half — match." Is that we're guessing as to finish the first half and the final outcome . For her , too, can use the system express . It is well suited to play absolute favorite and recognized outsider. If we take the outcome of NP1 (draw in the first half and the winning favorite in the second) , we can earn good money. Especially because the weaker teams , often manage to survive the first half due to their physical condition , but in the second half of the class takes its toll. As for the game HH, or P1 P2 or other , they certainly also have the right to exist, but they no longer have to rely on luck.
Nothing fundamentally new in the strategy is not. You just put on your desired number of goals scored, points , goals and if it turns right — get the money . I draw your attention to the services that mo
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This is one of the rare types of bets as yellow cards, penalties and other events ( a hat-trick , for example) , but still it is in football removal is easiest to analyze. There are teams whose relations except hatred will not name. Suppose it is known that for the «Inter» and «Milan» meeting between them is much more crucial than the same game «Inter» and «Roma» . And why not? And because the team one city . Add to this a certain emotional spaghetti lovers ! All this makes the removal of a very likely outcome in this meeting . Especially if the judge does not cautious and principled. So what kind of team rivalry between them can bring us money? To name a few pairs of « Liverpool» — « Everton », « Manchester City» — «Manchester United» , «Real&raq
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Betting strategy on the most underrated events , otherwise known as «value betting». In general, strictly speaking , then you did not put, you play for this strategy. And when you consider that the proposed outsider is not so bad, and the rate on the account , and when choosing a match to bet on deletion. Are you looking for a bookmaker and error if you are right , its find. There is a formula that shows how the event is undervalued :
1, где А это кеф букмекера, а В — оценка вероятности события с вашей точки зрения числом от 0 до 1. ">A x B > 1 , where A is kef bookmaker and B — Assessment of probability of an event from your perspective a number from 0 to 1.
Imagine , we have a bag of 10 balls, the contents of which we can not see . They're inside . We know that from 10 balls one black and the other white . We need to pull the black ball on
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Many bettors believe that we can achieve success in betting on sports , and football in particular, using other people's knowledge and experience. Forecasts for football, and even predictions on football free — who of the players did not face them at least once ?
But not many people wonder who and what is behind them ?
The vast majority of predictions for football matches give the same bettors who think themselves experts in this matter. Betting on football is worth to someone of such « forecasters » do a number of successful bets on matches and now he has become in the eyes of real authority . And there will always be those who believe in its professionalism and will repeat after him the following rates , even if they are as lost .
This is the case , losing several times all falls into place , but the money has not come back .
This particularly applies to free forecasts .
Well, if you ca
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To begin with, that the football matches really there is a wide choice on what to bet ! And it can not privlekt because everyone can find exactly this kind of bets in which it is most certain.
In addition, football — it's a sport whose rules are simple, clear and known to almost everyone who is interested in sports in general .
Now , with a shared satellite TV connected sports cable channels , finally , with live broadcasts of football bookmakers , it is possible to see a large number of live broadcasts of football matches of different championships , which also contributes to increased interest rates on football.
What bets on football matches can be called the most popular?
Most bettors are betting on the main outcomes :
- A home win
- Draw
- Away win
and bet on the so-called Pl ( goals per game) : &nb
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Any sport involves honesty outcome events. But not all competitors adhere to this canon. And football is no exception. Periodically pops up information about « dogovornyakah » — games whose outcome determined in advance . Of course, such information instantly adversely affect the reputation of the club . But , nevertheless , match still thrive .
The reason for this trend is obvious. Football — a popular sport that has long been turned into a large-scale commercial system . A sphere, where large sums of money spinning , instantly becomes a target for fans of easy money . Among the owners of modern clubs is difficult to find the true football fans . Most of them — ambitious individuals who want to grow in the eyes of others. Or owners of large sums of money earned by dishonest means . Club for them becomes a great tool for the legalization of Finance.
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It's no secret that in sports , especially in football, rotate very large funds . This applies to both teams that receive a substantial amount for a win, especially in the major championships and players bookmakers , because sometimes bet on the outcome of football matches are incredibly high . How can know in advance the outcome of a match, so your money is not lost ? Here you can simply agree !
Negotiated match — this sporting event , the result of which is predetermined as a result of collusion. Participants may be collusion teams rivals here also sometimes involved a third party , such as a bookmaker .
Teams may agree to a specific outcome of the match , which will suit both . For example, in the last round of the championship for both teams enough draws , in order to stay in the Premier League . Sometimes teams «average &
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To date, timely possession of such information can give you a decent addition to the budget. Very often we are forced to look to you , the one game that a group of people interested in , and absolutely can not understand or like the other team is playing so poorly as biased judges match referee brigade .
Fixed matches and certainly there are very often. As a rule, such matches are big money , the most important person football clubs , football authorities and even crime .
But even in the contract matches are different situations that result in a match fails . Basically it is the human factor. Therefore, no one can give an absolute guarantee in the outcome of a match-fixing . Very often happens in football matches in which teams exchanged points in the championship (eg home wins ) , especially losing the match for various reasons (eg , bribery group of players ) , matches with un
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It's no secret that in sports , especially in football, rotate very large funds . This applies to both teams that receive a substantial amount for a win, especially in the major championships and players bookmakers , because sometimes bet on the outcome of football matches are incredibly high . How can know in advance the outcome of a match, so your money is not lost ? Here you can simply agree !
Negotiated match — this sporting event , the result of which is predetermined as a result of collusion. Participants may be collusion teams rivals here also sometimes involved a third party , such as a bookmaker .
Teams may agree to a specific outcome of the match , which will suit both . For example, in the last round of the championship for both teams enough draws , in order to stay in the Premier League . Sometimes teams «average &
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Today to bet on football online is easy, just choose the bookmaker , register on the site and transfer the necessary funds . Sheet sports betting is often said that your opinion coincided with the opinion of the majority, but whether you can be 100% sure that the prediction is correct? You can, if the contract match with a known outcome. What exactly is a match-fixing ? Who agrees with whom , and why?
Match-fixing — is a serious violation of the rules , however, sometimes prove the collusion very difficult. By what signs can be determined that the match in front of us with pre-agreed outcome ?
Oddly enough, when the team won the championship ahead leads weak game and lends itself to outsiders who want to save in the league. Also leads to the conclusion of the match with suspected an uncommon account , for example , 5:3 in conjunction with the huge sums that are put on this outcom
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Betting fork only theoretically win-win strategy . Is that we are looking for different opinions offices on the same event and allocate funds so that for any outcome of stay in the black . For simplicity we take the match equal strength teams when the draw is not possible ( some final) . A victory for the team in the number one bookmaker worth 2.1 , and the victory as team B in the same office is worth 1.8. But bookmaker number 2 has a vision issue ! They command the contrary worth 1.8 A and Team B 2.1. It is easy to understand that taking two outsiders in the offices we obtain two coefficients 2.1 and 2.1 and by putting them equal rates can watch with delight as they earn money for us without risking to lose this money . One can even make a skewed , that is , if you consider that the team A still stronger, put the money in a way that only when you win it made a profit , and with the victory of B just stayed even. &nb
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Bookmaker also extensively developed on the Internet, like any other sphere of our life. In this case with interest rates relates primarily to classified information , namely the treaty deposited matches. In a simple way soccer tipsters. In bookmaking spinning solid money , and where solid money — there is always willing to receive them . Like any profitable business scope is the place betting fraud , scams and covert operations . Speculators offer countless betting strategies and systems « how to beat the bookie » and assistance in implementation rates. Few people want to think about myself, my head is much easier for someone to lose all the responsibility .
After some time kapperstvo themselves gradually becoming obsolete . Bettor before making sports betting on the Internet with other people's advice , began to look at monitoring and checking rating advisor. Keeping
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousands small islands. The capital of the United Kingdom is London. It’s a world center for business and money trading. Its also the country’s largest port and a cultural center with numerous museums and theatres.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. This means that Great Britain is governed by the Parliament and the Queen is a Head of State. The House of Parliament exercises the legislative power in the country. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords is composed of hereditary and life peers and peeresses. The members of the House of Commons are elected by the people. They are elected from the co
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London is the capital of the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the both banks of the Thames river. It’s the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities in the world with the population of 11 million people. About a fifth of the total population of the UK lives in the Greater London area, that is in London and its suburbs.
London is home for the headquarters of all government departments, Parliament, the major legal institutions and the monarch. It’s the country’s business and banking center and the center of its transport network. It contains the headquarters of the national televisions networks and of all national newspapers.
The original walled city of London founded by Romans was quite small. In the middle ages, it did not contain the Parliament or the Royal court, because it would have interfe
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Minsk is the capital of Bel., an ancient and beautiful city with long and exciting history.
It was first mentioned in chronicles in 1067 in connection with the battle of the Nemiga River during which it was destroyed. It was destroyed, burned, ruined by the conquerors many times during its 930-year history: by the Crimean Tatars in 1505, French Troops in 1812, German occupants in 1919-1920, fascists during World War 2. But each time it raise from the ruins and ashes as the mythical bird Phoenix. Many conquerors have passed through Minsk because it is situated on the crossroads of the busiest trade-routed connecting the Baltic and the Black seas, the East and the West thus, this advantage often turned into disadvantage.
Minsk stands on the Svisloch River in a picturesque place. The present day city is almost entirely of new construction. It is the city with broad streets and
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The most expensive , the most famous football team , choose not to participate in a contractual match .
They know about it. In the press thrown information about the aggravation of an old injury to a player .
Or soccer suddenly flies to Brazil to bed ailing father.
If the rivals agreed on a certain result , they do not break than for one another's feet .
No reason to provoke each other on rudeness, no poking , tackles , bumps elbows , horseback combat .
Sometimes there's all the same thing , but it looks the picture because if the players simply portrayed the struggle as bad actors .
When taking the gate, several defenders clutching his head — one of the important features of a match-fixing .
The fact that the players , in the bulk , stupid . They do not know how to hide their emotions and do not know how to look emotions if they need to show .
If this is
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If you want to participate in the trade or betting on football today, tomorrow or at the weekend , then it's a good article to read in advance and take note , especially if you are still struggling to get a long-term profits from the football trade. Here are 7 Tips for Football Trading on football ...
Be sure to decide the sum of trade or rates
I never ceases to amaze situation where people trade on any football match at all without brakes and without any idea as to how much they will be put , or how much money they are willing to trade . It is important to have a flexible and reasonable plan to trade Betfair . It can help you survive if you start to lose when trading in live . In addition, it can help you to easily determine what amounts to trade in critical situations, when you need a quick solution, especially in the trade in live .
Plan to trade in live before the mat
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I know for a fact that my profits from trading done on the football matches of the English Premier League and so most of my football trading is precisely this league . This is mainly because I'm interested in the English Premier League and I know all the teams , managers and players very well. I like to feel that it gives me an advantage over professional sports those traders who do not watch the English Premier League is as close as I do .
In general , you'll do much better if you stick to what you know than just trading in live on anything that moves . Do you really think you know the Singapore Premier League best of sports traders of this country ? You can even name any of the players? If not — then just do not take part in the trade !
Measure their risks before each trade
I always confusing when I see that traders put a lot of newcomers to frequent smal
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Football — definitely the number one sport in the world. In the world of bets certainly (well, perhaps with the exception of North America, but they are not like other people.) Just look at the painting , given by the offices on different sports and football here would be out of the competition . Bookmakers are tripping over themselves to give to the most popular games as much as possible betting options on anything — until " whether coach removed from the bench ," or " whether the match was interrupted due to unrest in the stands ." And these efforts offices — not their personal whim : demand creates supply , including here. And, perhaps, in any other sport of inhabitants there are not as many «experts» ready to give advice to athletes and coaches , almost believing that better themselves, no one, including most of these athletes and coaches , not versed in this game .
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The following error those who put on the football, make when paying too much attention to statistics . History personal meetings until 1889 , statistics of matches at home and away , the history of games each team at all , on the day of this match ... In these data we can even find some statistical regularities (though not while playing football for 500 years , the statistical significance of these patterns is low ) , and it is quite possible that this match will end in full accordance with the regularities found , except that it mean? Hardly anyone even lovers of bets Statistics believes that the players out on the field and play , looking at these numbers . "Comfortable" or « uncomfortable» opponent — no idea of the betting world , but just one of those statistics — maybe somehow affect the participants of the match , but rather before and after the match , when they give interviews. Hardl
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Undoubtedly, yavlyaetya football the most popular sport in the world and as it looks and it plays most people, many people around the world are betting on football. The best place for betting of course is sports bookmaker on the Internet. Websites through which you can bet , became the norm for players to bet on football, due to their ease of use, competitive coefficients , additional bonuses and security. If you want to bet on football, do not need to look any further — come to our football Sportsbook Rated .
Dining football betting
You can choose among a variety of options betting on football. Here we try to explain some of the most popular ones.
Betting odds (Moneyline Soccer Bets)
Bet on the outcome of the most simple form of betting on football , as the emphasis is just on the final outcome of the match . In football, three possible outcomes — the victory of one or the other
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When you bet , you can take into account variables such as the state of the team and the record against rival — but if you think about the weather ? This aspect of sports betting , which is often neglected , may influence the outcome of any sporting event.
Professional teams understand the effects of weather and most of them employ meteorologists who know the local conditions .
The following describes how to customary conditions can disrupt carefully laid plans in the sport :
The effects of weather in football
Perhaps the most frequently playing soccer prevents rain , because of which the ball begins to « slide » or to move faster on the playing field , which is very well suited for teams who love to play the pass .
However, if the rain is very intense on the football field formed puddles that slows the movement of the ball and prevents play the pass . Thi
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This game , like football, appeared very long ago . And even today, no one say with certainty can not , when the first people started to play football. Birthplace of football for centuries considered to England , where in the 12th century for the first time this game called football. Then , of course, no rules really was not. Football is played over a hundred people , playing all the parts of the body , not just your feet, and played among the cities. Football opponents did not like such turmoil , and then allowed to play football exclusively on the fields. In general , the history of football has many interesting nuances , but now is not it . As a sport , football was recognized in 1846, that year and were invented rules of the game of football . After several years in Cambridge , these rules have been clarified . For many years, the rules of football amended and unified official rules of football were develo
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In betting on football is not so simple and transparent. Not every strategy game will give a positive constant . Not always knowing the strength and abilities of teams and individual players , possession of operational information on injuries and other situations distances gives a distinct advantage during prediction rates.
Often pops up information about the so-called « treaty » matches when clearly strong or weak team loses a football match ends in a draw. Often this happens when the result of the match will not affect the results in the standings.
But this fact does not diminish the popularity of betting on football matches . And even add some «flavor» of risk, surprise and unpredictability of results .
And it proves once again that football , like betting on it , remains the most popular sport. According to bookies every twentieth inhabitant o
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English Premier League is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious football leagues in the world. And as prestige attracts rates, it is also a league with the largest market rates.
">In this guide, we will summarize some interesting observations and tips that can be very useful for those who are trying to find a benefit in this challenging market.
">Almost everyone from the fans and players to bet for entertainment purposes, to professionals seeking to find markets preiumuschestvo Premier League, but the truth is that in this particular area win over bookmakers incredibly difficult.
">Betting on the top teams
NPS known dominance of the top teams, which include Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester City. However, the truth is that the attempt to bet on easy victories these four teams in each match is definitely not a winning strategy, espec
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Sometimes , very rarely , do you consider the game and see a line or ratios, but in fact they are not interested . In this case, you're just sure that the outcome of the match a foregone conclusion , and one of the teams or show his best side and easily cover the handicap, or fail miserably and their opponent will completely dominate the field.
These matches are very difficult to find and if you think about them too long , you are bound to lose a lot of money . In fact, this is not something that can be planned, such as matches appear as if from nowhere. Below I will describe several cases where there are such matches , and why in connection with them you can make the best decision in terms of rates.
Matches between the principal rivals at the end of the season
It should be noted that the match between the principal rivals at the end of the season will not be in a
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Betting fork ("sure bets", the arbitral betting) — a system known for its win-win.
">It can not quickly give you a lot of money, but this system is unique in that when using the risk associated with your rate is zero
Now I will explain how this system works. For example, we take as an example of the match between Manchester United and Tottenham. The trick is to find a bookmaker that would provide the coefficient 1.80 for Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur at 2.10, and the bookmaker with completely opposite point of view, claiming that the winner will be Tottenham and having the same coefficients, but in favor of Tottenham. If you put 100 euros on Manchester in one bookmaker and another 100 euros for Tottenham in the other, you will earn 10 euros regardless of which team will be the winner. ">Note that you did both bookmakers bets totaling 200 euros and 110 euros earn
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He described his theory in 1956 in the journal " Bell Journal teknikal systems ." Essentially , the system is progressive by Kelly rates in accordance with the rates that more players at a higher probability of winning and less at a lower probability of winning .
For years, many professional players , people involved in sports betting , and math time to try out the system in various ways. Most of them agree with each other that it is better to risk less than the recommended criteria cell, and in the best case, this system should be used as a guide , not a rule . Often you can hear the players say they use 1/ 2 or 1/4 Kelly . This — just simplified version of the formula of the Kelly criterion .
One of the reasons to use the Kelly criterion as a guide , is that following it without any adjustment excludes from the calculation of rate equation and the player they acquired experience. Since
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Martingale — bid management system — was developed in the 18th century in France. In fact, this method was only one of a whole group of methods rates, which were classified as « Martingale ». Today, under the martingale imply a relatively simple system of sports betting , which stipulates that in case of a win on a bet next bid must be the same size , but if you lose the bet is doubled Next .
Some players to bet on sports , strongly believe in this methodology, while sports betting experts who understand the mathematics associated with them , consider this example of poor money management . The fact that this system is currently still practiced and promoted , says more about the state of mind and losers than the success or failure of the system itself . We now describe how it works .
First , it is important to know that this system is designed for betting on " equal
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Players often make bets based on feelings or listening to the inner voice . Unfortunately , your inner voice is much more irrational than you might think , and uses rough rule of thumb — in psychology are called heuristics ( heuristic algorithms ) — which may not be appropriate tools in order to make a successful bid .
There is very good reason for that , we rely on heuristics — evolution . When our ancestors faced with complex , life-threatening problems , they did not have time to weigh the situation and so they have developed faster ways . Working solutions to problems were transferred to subsequent generations and we still rely on them, often even when it should not have done
The main types of heuristics
binding effect
Binding effect ( anchor effect ) affects people's ability to assess the most likely number of things of a certain species or the mos
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One of the most common mistakes made when betting on sports is that special knowledge in the field of sports confused with a specialization in the field of sports betting. This error is well illustrated by the fact that many former professional sports stars have become the self-proclaimed experts or prompter , and it is well described by a «mistake » green " wood ."
One of the most successful togrovtsev «green» wood (which represents the green woods ) of all time really had no clue about what he sells . He spent his entire career in timber merchant , believing that this stuff is just wood painted with green paint , and not freshly cut wood .
The term « bug » green « wood » was coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his recent book «Antifragile» (« Antihrupkost "), in which he also descr
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Expected return rate shows us how we can win (on average) at one rate , and thus represents the most important calculation , which can carry the player , for example, when comparing the bookmakers . How can calculate the expected rate of return — and how it affects sports betting ?
" Expected return " — or EV — is the expected size of the gain or loss , if a lot of time to bet at the same ratio . For example, if you put 10 euros on the loss of an eagle in the game throwing coins and get 11 euros each time you correctly predskazhesh result , EV will be 0.5 .
This means that if one made the same bet a lot of times, you could expect to win on average 0.50 euros for each bet of 10 euros.
How to calculate the expected return
The formula for calculating the expected return for quite simple — just multiply your probability of winning for the amount that you can win
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I have not seen a single player who would be in the black, based solely on intuition. Somewhere on local segments — maybe, but not in the long run . However , sometimes there are « insight » that in this game it is necessary to put it on this outcome , although logical explanation for this choice, at first glance , no. I do not deny the influence of intuition , but do not try to find it for a supernatural explanation . In my opinion , this only works when the intuition is the quintessence of the experience gained over many years. For example, the rates are often some recurring situations , and at the sight of another our subconscious can tell us the result , more often the case previously in similar cases . That is intuition can serve as initial push , in order that we pay attention on this rate , and began its analysis , but not the decisive factor in deciding what to put . Need to find some additiona
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Latest news from the camp of instruction at all can turn all of the initial submission of this match. Conversely, the lack of a coherent information can make abandon rates . The term «information» includes everything alleged compositions , motivation, weather conditions , the state of the key players , the financial position of the club ... It is clear that a complete set of all these data tend to find is hardly possible. And do not need : the more diverse information available about the match, the more difficult to find in it the really important issues that may affect the decision on the rate. And the more «noise» — useless from a practical point of view, but distracting information , which may affect the decision. Therefore, matches, which put all the best to avoid — meeting giants in major European championships , the final game of the European cup games or teams. Although often t
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One of the few factors that contrary not attach due importance — it is the size of the coefficients. Generally , players can be divided into three camps . The first — the ones who choose the most likely from their perspective outcomes, despite the coefficients . Second — it is those who focused primarily on the ratio , and if it is sufficiently profitable , then the rate will be made , even if they do not really believe in success. Finally, the third camp — those whose rates defies logic , but about them we will not say . Which of the first two approaches is better — rather metaphysical argument : if you constantly put on the coefficients expressing the advantage over the line , the profits of the long game is guaranteed to us mathematically (unless of course it's the advantage over the line defined true) fans as the first approach to his abut intuition and knowledge that will help them choo
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The main types of bets
The main types of bets: 1 × 2
That market is 1 × 2 bids and this type of betting the player is easiest to understand the value of the betting . Take as an example the match the first week of the season 2012/13 Premier League match between Everton ( 4.250 ) , the draw ( 3,790 ) and Manchester United ( 1,917 ) .
If you put 10 euros to win Everton at Goodison Park Stadium , you would have won 42.50 euros, although this would include your initial bet , and at 10 euros . Thus , your profit would be 32.50 euros. If the match ended in a draw or defeat Everton , you would not have won anything.
€ 10 bet on a draw would return you to 37.90 euros ( 27.90 euros in profit and your rate of 10 euros). At the same rate for the victory Utd would you pocketed 19.17 euros ( 9.17 euros in profits ) .
After getting acquainted with 1 ×
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Consider what a bookmaker and how bookmakers make their money . Bookmaker (or bookie ), which in English is sometimes briefly called «bookie» — it's just firm (although bookmaker may be a natural person ) taking bets on different events . Offer to take bets on whether there will be an event or not, bookmakers and customers have the opportunity to select which of these outcomes to bet on. Most often bookmakers offering bets on sporting events or races , although due to the increasing popularity of the Internet and the rapid transmission of information , modern bookmakers are taking bets on almost everything — from the presidential election to television competitions.
Bids made by customers bookmaker , based on predetermined factors , and income from a successful bid is also associated with a coefficient proposed for this tender. For example , the bookmaker can offer 2/1 (pronounced &laq
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Тизерные объявления сегодня все чаще отвлекают наше внимание и становятся в качестве основного инструмента для привлечения целевой аудитории на ваш сайт. При этом обгоняя даже контекстную рекламу.
Тизерная реклама показывает максимальную эффективность особенно в начальной стадии рекламирования проекта, когда пользователь еще не знает о вашем продукте, и в его голове еще не сформировались достоинства или недостатки. Впрочем и на следующих этапах продвижения вашего товара или услуги результаты будут не маленькие, но необходимо как можно чаще делать новые смысловые и визуальные акценты.
Рекламная кампания состоит из двух частей. Во-первых, пользователь видит интересную картинку и заманчивую фразу, что неявно пробуждает его лю
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Остановитесь на мгновение, посвятив несколько минут себе и своему здоровью. Закройте глаза и постарайтесь представить раннее утро на берегу реки, где утренний воздух такой чистый и свежий, что хочется дышать полной грудью.
А вот в городе, где огромное количество источников, загрязняющих воздух, где в многоквартирных высотках в отопительный период совершенно нечем дышать, сделать это совершенно невозможно.
Electrolux Ehaw 6525 поможет вам окружить себя комфортом и уютом, избавив от сухости воздуха и пыли. Не зря же его называют «мойкой воздуха».
Сухой воздух, проходя через мойку, обогащается необходимой влагой, а вредоносные частицы оседают в поддоне, вымыть который не представляет особой трудности.
Мойку воздуха отличает невысокий уровень электропотребления, простота в уходе, отсутствие расходных материалов. Увлажнитель-очиститель Electrolux Ehaw 6525 имеет две ст
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Today information is one of the most important directions of scientific and
technological progress based on wide usage of computers, means of communication,
automated databases interlinked in information computation systems. In recent years
information technology has become firmly embedded into various spheres of activities
and the usage of these technologies significantly facilitate and accelerate certain
Computerization on of transport continues to grow. Software products and
technical means have been improving, new technologies have been introduced, the
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