9:21 PM
Road maintenant

Currently, national roads in Poland have a total length of about 19,300 km which is about 5 % of all public roads. At the end of 2012 total
length of roads with a higher standard was 2423 km, in these about 1,368
km were motorways and expressways around 1097km, during the construction of new ones is close to 670 km roads, including 270 km of motorways. The present stage of development of the network roads in Poland pays particular attention to the multiuse of assistance from European Union donations, the total amount of spending on new investments (mainly expressways), and to ensure the quality of work already constructed sections. The most significant shortcomings of the current state are mainly roadsmaintenance backlogs and keeping  them in good technical condition. It should be noted that due to the significant growth of road investments in last years, in the nearest future will be seen similar rise if  needsto maintain and manage the road network.
It is clear that poorly maintained road is dangerous. But not everyone is aware that in the long run, raising fundsfor this purpose brings financial savings. However to reach it, you need to create a good system of road maintenance. Many countries in the world and Europe have been putting the finishing touches for years to their own solutions. Some of them should be the golden rules and best examples of road managers.  

Combining Economy and Analysis at once.  

The traditional model of road resurfacing is the fact that the repair is carried out on these parts, where road conditions exceed the critical ratios. This approach has forced a shortage of money in the agencies’ budgets. It is possible to create the pavement life cycle management in such a way as to keep it in relatively good condition for a long time and the lowest maintenance expenditures at the same time. Assist in such management systems is support by information systems which combine the technical and economic analysis. Precursor systems is known as PMS Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) from the U.S.A, which in the last 20 year was introduced in every state.This system relies on the maintenance plan for the entire life cycle of the surface, and not only focuses on the current needs. It gives time for a renovation plan to make it easier to planannual budgets. The main task is to collect and manage the system specifications for individual sections of roads (length, width, surface type, etc.), data on the time and kurtosis of the works, technical data about the condition and the size and type of transport works. In Poland, such a system is HDM-4 (org. by World Bank), which is used by GDDKiA (road agency).  

Easier budgeting enables the use of new technologies - the use of prolonged pavement life cycle (called Long Life Pavements). English or Swiss road agencies, introduced systematic solutions - developed indexes, whichdetermines how much road renovation is getting done in the new technology, not to exceed the budget, and not to cause delays in the repair of other sections.  

Road under control.  

Good system of maintenance must be based on an analysis of developed indicators. One of the most important indicator is the assessment of the technical condition of surfaces. In many countries, the road network is estimated at too broad shots: Very good, bad or critical. United Kingdom has developed its ownindex based on many technical aspects (eg. ruts, equality and surface roughness). With planning renovationsat a certain level, this indicator Highways Agency (HA) prevents crossing condition, causing accelerateddegradation of the surface.  

A similar policy of road leading authorities of Australia (Austroroads) and New Zealand (NZTA). They useindicators to assess comfort. These indicators are also based on technical parameters. Determined, however, each parameter fork in the road that you will not feel discomfort while driving.  

Extra wokrers.  

A good idea is also to develop standards that will improve the comfort of drivers traveling on reconstructed ways. They define the date of such work and the distance between the ongoing activities that require road closures across the road or lane. Management of such a repairs may rely on their acceleration, driving on and off-peak hours, and the organization of work, where possible, to eliminate traffic congestion, especially in the busy lanes.In the U.S. and Canada in the work economic analysis on the road also takes into account the costs, which, due to ongoing work, extending the reach, borne by the users of roads (Road User Cost). Acceleration of works, which often increases in the budget, in this approach is equivalent to minimizing losses. The purpose of such an analysis is to find such a variant for the project that would result in reducing the total cost of the project (ie. total cost of the works and the cost of wasted time of road users).  

Best practices in this area can give the English HA, a Swiss national road manager and the Austrian company Astra ASFINAG. HA in the annual activity report indicates to what quality point, determined by its own standards, roads are maintained. For example, gives the percentage of lanes on the national network available to users in the movement's peak hours. Astra declares,  that the maximum length of road works on the stretch of highway is 15 km. A time lag between works require lane closures is set to maximum once per 15 years. Austrian ASFINAG declares that the work will not be kept in more than 3 points on the stretch of road with a length of 100 km, and one section of the work can not be longer than 10 km. The principle that delays while driving, caused by the road works should not exceed 5 minutes. In predicting and reducing delays on roads it is used — ITS (intelligent transport systems).  

As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.  

For analysis and management is necessary to collect data that allows predictions for evaluation and monitoring. The solely collection, thanks to modern computer systems is not a major problem. The problem is the storage and sharing of such a databases. Primary data should be stored in the way that gives possibility to ensure ,at any time, same series from the system and from one database.  

A propel management in roads is covered by the analysis, one of the best practices in this area includes the maintenance of the current database, was created in the Czech roads by RSDCR. The direct premise to createsuch a database was the better cost control procedures of maintaining roads. The database is divided into 9 groups maintainability activities, including separately distinguished not only types of maintenance tasks (8groups), but also the administration. Each group was divided into subgroups and maintenance tasks (all in digital codes). For each task, one unit is defined performance (km road / pavement, m2, m, tones, pc), which provides not only the physical execution, but also its costs. Data collection is based on the so-called cards cost, which are not only the number of units in the tasks performed, but also the direct costs, broken down material costs, wage costs and other direct costs.
  Management of roads and streets is a very wide subject. It is not just the issue of permits foradvertising in the traffic lane (as seems to be the laity), but also complicated the process of reconciling the needs of road maintenance budget to the financial possibilities.  

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