7:01 PM

Martingale — bid management system — was developed in the 18th century in France. In fact, this method was only one of a whole group of methods rates, which were classified as « Martingale ». Today, under the martingale imply a relatively simple system of sports betting , which stipulates that in case of a win on a bet next bid must be the same size , but if you lose the bet is doubled Next .  

Some players to bet on sports , strongly believe in this methodology, while sports betting experts who understand the mathematics associated with them , consider this example of poor money management . The fact that this system is currently still practiced and promoted , says more about the state of mind and losers than the success or failure of the system itself . We now describe how it works .  

First , it is important to know that this system is designed for betting on " equal chances " of whom it is believed that they caught about 50 % of cases. The player with the gaming budget ( bankroll ) $ 500 puts value at $ 50 for a football match , which will be held in the afternoon. The rate will be played . Martingale player now puts $ 100 for the match , which will be held in the evening. If the bet wins , the player on the theory of regaining the lost amount initially , and a profit of $ 50. After winning the bid the player returns to the rates of value of $ 50 , while not lose again .  

The problem with this system is that it can quickly devastate bankroll player. What if, in our example, a bet on the match , which will be held later , will also be played . Now the player must bet $ 200 on the outcome of the match which will be played on Sunday evening. If this bet is lost , the player bankroll decreased from $ 500 to $ 150. And now turn our attention to the real problem with the martingale . The bank left only $ 150 , but Martingale next bid will be $ 400 . Martingale practical bankrupted gaming budget.  

Of course, things are not so bad, if the original bid was $ 20, which is more reasonable sized bet when playing budget of $ 500 . However, even if only to bet $ 20, the player loses $ 80 for three losing bets and must put $ 160 for the match , which will take place on Sunday evening. And if he loses the bet , his bank is reduced to $ 260. Martingale , the next bet will be $ 320 , and that, as in the previous example , again no money.  

Most amateur players to bet on sports , do not understand how the coefficients from the mathematical point of view. Did you know that the player wins with 50% losing 5 consecutive bets in 3 % of cases ? When using the martingale math, eventually takes its player will be ruined.  

Martingale is seen as a regressive form of betting where players play conservatively if things they are doing well, and dramatically increase the rate to , figuratively speaking, to get out of the corkscrew. This system is based on the belief that the band defeats at rates equal coefficients means that in the end will win , eliminating the deviation. However , this idea that wins and losses are equalized , also known as Error Player is illogical for one simple reason — it suggests that our four rates are linked, although it is not. The fact that someone wins or loses in the first rate does not affect the second bet , and the outcome of the second rate will not be able to affect the outcome of the third. If rates are not correlated , the sequence of wins and losses is random and no player will be able to control it.  

Application of any system in sports betting tends to make little progress . Why ? Success in sports betting depends on a thorough analysis of forecasting sports scores , competent information and insight insiders. Degree of luck or failure is determined by its ability Player to use all information available to him in order to make the right choice , rather than a theory concerning the adjustment of the coefficients on the basis of probabilities. If you apply at rates Martingale system , do it gently .  

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