My research work

My research work

My scientific interests are connected with linguistics. The topic of my dissertation is “Personalisation of political discourse subjects: nomination and кортеж (посмотри в Lingvo)”. My scientific tutor is the candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Russian language department Tamara Anatolievna Pivovarchik.  

The aim of the research is to give the description of the political discourse subjects personalization in the language of Mass Media. The object of the research is the nomination of the political discourse subjects, used in the language of Mass Media. The subject is the personalization data that appear in the process of the political discourse subjects nomination under the influence of the … (Lingvo).  

The methods of the research are: descriptive method, component analysis method, the method of the communicative-pragmatical interpretation, comparative method, elements of discourse analysis.  

Scientific newness of the research lies in the object and the subject of the research itself as well as in the use of a new, up-to-date, interdisciplinary methodology for the nominative process analysis. Practical importance lies in the fact that the results of the research can be used in working out the recommendations for journalists, in the practice of близкородственных (Lingvo) languages teaching, in lexicography studies, in teaching the discourse studies of Mass Media.  

In the process of the research I have revealed that lexical units with different structural-semantical properties are used in Mass Media for the political discourse nomination. These are fixed expressions, nominations, built by morphemic ways, borrowings, units built by semantical derivation, abbreviation. These nominations of the political discourse subjects under the influence of the кортеж (Lingvo) can acquire different semantic traces of meaning and perform different communicative-pragmatic functions. Besides, synonimical nominations are met in the political discourse that can be used within one context. It gives the speaker an opportunity to differentiate the meanings and to reveal the proper semantic traces of meaning.  

The expected results of my research are: 1) compiling of Russian and Belorusian dictionaries of the political discourse subjects nominations; 2) definition of the main personalisational meanings that are activated in the language of Mass Media when political discourse nomination takes place and of the means that realise these meanings; 3) revealing the pecularities of the political discourse subjects personalization in Russian and Belorusian media texts.  

Категория: Неинтересное | Добавил: lipnishki (12.04.2018)
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