9:34 PM
Welcome to world of photografy!

Today photo play wery big role in our life. Especially among young generation.Billions photo you can see every day in social networks. They make our life, changing our destiny. But we can to remember some only wery  perfect photos among  millions pictures. Nature, mountins  always were origin inspiration for photografer. Armenia is country of beatuyful nature, place for cute photo. You can see all country, know many intresting fact about people, tradition thanks to just one photo. Welcome to world of photografy! 

Просмотров: 281 | Добавил: lipnishki | Теги: Armenia, perfect photos | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 2
1 Анонимно • 1:56 PM, 12.15.2019
Do all lenses create chromatic aberration?Apologies if this is a silly question, but I'm learning about chromatic aberration and I'm under the impression that all lenses suffer from it, but is that correct? From what I gather, better lenses display less chromatic aberration than cheap lenses, and different lenses have different types of aberrations. I'm gleaning this information from an article I found on google  and it explains what chromatic aberration is and how to fix it, but it doesn't explicitly say that ALL lenses have it.Just wondering what the deal is with that. Thanks!
2 fmwdncom • 4:57 AM, 01.20.2020
I agree that photography plays a huge role in our time, I photograph girls and guys in the boudoir style and write an article on the themes of photographs (https://www.photographytalk.com/boudoir-photography), and I can tell you that nowadays there are nowhere without photos.